Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Newest member of our Family

We just wanted to announce that we got a Puppy. She is a Blue Heeler/Australian Shepherd mix, we got her in Powell were her mom and five other siblings were abandoned. We have named her Pepper, and it does feel as if we have a new baby in the family. She cries in the middle of the night and we have to take her potty all the time. She has brought so much joy to the boys. Zac and Pepper already have a bond; if he is around she will not leave his side. She is Zac's dog not ours. We even get the other Barton boys over to play with Pepper. They love her just as much as Zac and Logan.


Just Us said...

Your boys are so big!!! How have you all been doing?? We miss seeing all of our Cody friends! I will be up for the Cody vs Pinedale games on Friday-maybe we will get to see you all then :0)

WChaddock said...

Your boys are so cute, and the newest addition is so cute also. You guys sound like you are having a great time. We love you all