Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ropin' with Dad

Roping with dad is so much fun! Zac wants to learn how to rope the steer head, so Adam took him out to get some practice. Logan just likes to go along and play. Before we know it he will be wanting to rope too. Zac got something... Pepper!! Great roping boys!

2009 Christmas

Christmas was so much fun this year especially because Zac and Logan got into it more. Zac was so excited for Santa to come. All he worried about was how Santa was going to get in our house without a chimney. Magic of course! All Zac wanted was a Handy Manny tool bench and Santa came through for him. Logan asked for Thomas the train. Santa also brought them hunting pants, cowboy shirts and cowboy hats. We spent the day at Nana and Papa's with our cousins. It was a great Christmas and we are looking forward to next year!!