Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Newest member of our Family

We just wanted to announce that we got a Puppy. She is a Blue Heeler/Australian Shepherd mix, we got her in Powell were her mom and five other siblings were abandoned. We have named her Pepper, and it does feel as if we have a new baby in the family. She cries in the middle of the night and we have to take her potty all the time. She has brought so much joy to the boys. Zac and Pepper already have a bond; if he is around she will not leave his side. She is Zac's dog not ours. We even get the other Barton boys over to play with Pepper. They love her just as much as Zac and Logan.


Along with sledding at the cabin we were able to ride Ted & Teresa's snowmobiles. This was the first time I have ridden one and it was a blast. Zac finally rode one with me and he liked it but it got really cold because he didn't want to wear a helmet, but he was wearing daddy's snow boarding goggles.

Sledding at the Bullock Cabin

About three weeks ago we were able to go to the Bullock cabin with our friends, Ted & Teresa Bullock and enjoy all the snow we had been receiving. Zac loved the snow and sledding. He would make snow balls and throw them at us, but most of all he loved going fast down the hill on the sled. Logan on the other had was a little unsure about the snow and cold weather fun. When we put on Logan's snow suit, he was so bundled up he could hardly move. Adam and I thought of the movie the Christmas Story. When Logan fell he couldn't get up. It was very funny from our point of view but not his.